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Submit a Classified Ad

Tap into the local advertising power that reaches 70,000 homes!

Welcome to the Marketplace/Hi-Liter!

You can use this section of our Web site to place and pay for your classified ad. However, if you have questions at any point or need additional explanation of our rates and categories, call us weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at (262) 763-3511.

The deadline for all classified ads is noon Monday.

Ads submitted by the deadline will appear in that week’s print edition of the Wisconsin Hi-Liter and the Illinois Hi-Liter and Marketplace, which circulate Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Ads are also posted online each Thursday for a minimum of one week.

Scroll down for pricing information on our classified ads and then click the “submit” button at the bottom of the page to proceed. Rates are weekly unless otherwise noted. Fees for classified ads are non-refundable.

Private Party Ads

(These are ads placed by individuals who are not running a business)
• $17.95 for the first three lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Garage Sale Ads

• $13.95 for the first three lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Wheel Deal

Cars, trucks, boats, recreational vehicles, etc. Ad runs until item sells (Max 24 weeks). Ad is scheduled for 4 weeks and the customer must call to reschedule the ad at no charge (Private parties only–no dealers)
• $19.95 for the first three lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Real Estate/For Rent

(Ad will also run in the next print edition of Home Buyer and Homes & Design)
• $29.00 for the first three lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Help Wanted

• $49.00 for the first six lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Business & Service Directory

• $23.90 for the first three lines
• $1.95 for each additional line

Bolding up to 5 words $3.00